Monday, February 20, 2006


The school district pays millions of dollars for a program like Vtiger CRM to be installed in each school system. But I happen to be installing it in my own home and am not getting payed.

Charity is accpted.

Especially after my dog ate my video games!!!!!!
Buddy will suffer...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Trying It Again

I know. I suck. But I needed to do it. I really did. So now I'm doing it now.
No, I'm not talking about 'making love."
I'm talking about doing something worse.
I'm talking about installing Gentoo.
I had tried it once before, but had faled miserably. Why am I doing it again?
I need it so I can run a HTTP/FTP/PHP/MySQL/RLogin server.
I'm runnning it on a 333MHz computer with 64MB ram. Why? Because I've been asked to do it.

The Question is: Why am I so weak?

At least I'm getting further then before!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Thursday, February 02, 2006


I apologise for the lack of updates. I have had my voice stolen. Leave me alone. There won't be any more updates for a while.