Friday, January 20, 2006


I will be compelled to update my blog every week. If I don't I will punch my fist against a hard object, and it will hurt more then usual.


Hypnotics ~Awesome~

Well, I finally came out of my little happy place and tried some of the files of No, I didn't do any of the freaky stuff.

I was amazed to see that it was some pretty cool stuff! Obviously, the best stuff there is the Self-Help section (You may also want to look into the LucidDreaming and CurseLucidDream [1 and 2], because LDing is better then being high [not from personal experiance].) And for you who don't care who you wake up next to in the morning, are able to support at least two [more] children, and are willing to except pending death if you aren't playing safe, there's an even bigger section for you.

I'm going to take this step by step for you newbies.
(wow, i'm already using the 'N' word!)

When you first go into the site, you will be totally scared off by a disclaimer saying that if you aren't 18+, you should get out. if you "Exit," you will go to I only find this annoying because I was hoping that it would lead to a children's website like I'm weird like that.
After you register (you need to in order to download the files), you should read the FAQs. This will tell you some essential information about the files and how to use them. What it doesn't tell you is where to get some feedback about the files, which is one of the reasons why I didn't try it. However, if you look around the forums, you may find some. Please note that the `disclaimer' about the files directly downloaded from the site being safe is true. You needn't worry about there being any negate effects. Don't even worry about getting the wrong files: they all have the effect spoken right from the beginning of the file.
When you're done reading the FAQ, head out to the Files section. New to Warp MY Mind is the premium account, where you are charged a rediculous amount of money to be able to download some files that you will be able to get just four weeks later. You probibly won't have any interest in them anyways, excepting the Accelerator.... darn....

Be Warned: Curse Files cannot be removed with the RemoveAll file; You have to pay the Webmaster 30 USD in order to remove them.
Some of the curse files may be good like CurseLucidDreams and EnchantedKeyboardCurse, but you will still need to pay the $30 in order to remove them.
The first file you should try out is an induction. Try a Female voice (if you can find it) if you are a Male, and a Male voice if you are a Female. The first file should be one of the many inductions, then the second should probibly be deepening, so that you'll be even better at going into a trance. Luckally for you, some of the inductions include "Waking Up Happily," So you know that you'll have a good time.
Critically speaking, the files are all very well made, and seem to have been through some of quality control process. Some of them, however have gotten all sorts of squeeling backround noises caused by a low MP3 bitrate, but it is still exceptable. It may even be worth buying the $200 DVD-ROM Box-set containing all of the files in a lossless format, and a couple of other things (including scripts).

So Personally, I give this site my seal of approval. I reccomend this site to any person who is too lazy to do certain things (Like Lose weight [yes, I am pointing to myself]) and is willing to give some trust to random strangers.

In case you didn't know, this article's title is a link to Warp MY Mind.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

This Site is Now Sellout Central.

All right. I am a total sell-out. Since the only time I ever get replies is when I write tech-related articles and such, I'll be writing more of it.

This is kind of a strange thing. Sometimes, these types of articles depress me. Why worry about such things? Things will stay the things forever. More realisticly, for at least the next ten years, everything will be the same. All of the idiots will be running windows, and all of the smart people will be running linux and planing a revolt against Bill Gates.

Well, on the bright side, someone one day may say to themselves "Hey, how come my computer is still using 30-year-old ideas?

But still, archy will never be popular. Sorry folks.

So at least I'll get responses and be popular in my own way. Please, I'm not a hacker, or even a HaXoR.

This site is now unofficially named ./, after the prefix for script or binary execution in POSIX operating systems, and not /. spelled backwards.

People Actually Read This Thing!

I think I'm going to cry. I'm that happy! Some people are actually reading this blog. I personally was supprised that I had even gotten robotic comments to my articles, and now that I put in password-based-verification for my comments, real people have actually been commenting.

When I get comments from "annonymous," I think, "What the heck, It may be one of my friends. Maybe they actually took the time to read my blog like I asked them to. Now that I think about it, my friends aren't of that high charicter status, so it may be actual different people!

Not that my friends aren't real people.

Right now I'm wondering if I already wrote a "wow, People!" article. But once again, I'm too lazy.

And in defence of my BeOS article, It was bassed on someone elses studies. Next time, I won't trust a recalled-from-memory copy of an article by ArsTechnica about yellowTAB ZETA.

Sunday, January 01, 2006


I have come across a new operating System. Well, It's not exactly new; it was bought up by palm inc back before the split, but it's new to me. It's called BeOS.

Contrary to Stephen's tastes, it was first made for a prototype called the Hobbit, a Steve Jobs designed 68X00 based computer with sevral DSPs inside. At the time, a DSP controlled computer was a new Idea. However, AT&T (the provider of the DSP ships) cut their funding, so Jobs desided to throw in a PowerPC chip instead (that seemed to be the thinking for all sorts of computing things back then...). Thus was born the BeBox PC, with BeOS supporting it.

Jobs was quick to sell out on this though. He ported BeOS to a single PowerPC chip based system; mainly PowerMacs and iMacs. He went out further not only by porting it to the x86 platform (you may know it as a PC, though it fits a far larger spectrum then just IBM based shit), but also making it able to run on Windows and even Linux through leaving system files on the partition and booting via Boot Disc. Of corse, it had a partition editor and you could install it to BeFS, an extremely fast and clean 64-bit (journaling?) filesystem.

Let me say that BeOS had supprised me a lot. it has a lot of support for about anything.

Damn my short attention span. I want to play around in it more.