Monday, October 24, 2011

Some new stuff

So, as only Stephen knows, I have a game concept that I was going to eventually write into a detailed proposal and use to launch my design career. As it turns out, I am in something of a rut. Not a single word has gone into that document.

In an effort to not forget every bit of the design I had come up with, I had decided to take my new Monoprice graphic tablet (A rebadged UC-Logic H850) for a spin, and drew a major character. That's what you see above. I must say, I am astounded at how bad I am at art some times. This is probably one of my best works, but this one is supposed to be an early-adult female, and I absolutely failed at any attempts at boobs. Add the SD-style head and the really strangely positioned legs and you've got my caricature I painted there.

The truely sad part is that that's what your main character is supposed to fall in love with. Could you fall in love with that? But then again, I bet that I'll look back at it again later and say, "Hey, that's not too bad." Oy.