Saturday, December 31, 2005

Damn CDs!

All right, I'm getting tired of CDs.

A quick Inventory of the size of my music collection: 1.4Gb.

A quick inventory of how much data can be squeezed into a CD: 700Mb

700*2 -> 1.4Gb

I need a DVD Writer!!!

And an Ipod! (video, if possible)

And a new computer!

I Think It's Illegal

Most likely, you've heard of a little computer application called Gametap. It's a windows application. There's a Mac version coming soon, but it's likely that it won't have the same games.

Defcon 5: Windows applications are compiled binaries and could do anything imaginable to your computer.

There's some support for some console games, which use different archetectures.

Defcon 4: In order for a computer to run programs that are compiled for another archetectures, it either needs to run an emulator or the program needs to be recompiled. Programs are usually made with procesor-specific instructions, so there is bound to be errors when porting. Let me remind you that the first virus was made accidently from bad programming.

Defcon 3: Emulators tend to be copyrighted and so do the games.

It even has some Dreamcast Games.

Defcon 2: The Dreamcast was recent enough for the patents to be in effect. There's a somewhat bigger lecal issue with patent infringment.

The website says that "it just rocks."

Defcon 1: They don't even want to tell you how their program works: not even on the page labled "How it works."

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Sonic Rush: Half Game, Half "X"*

The title will make more sense if you read the footnote at the end.

I was going to post this in the old tyme review, but then I realized that I never write enough reviews. I still haven't sat down to finish Xenosaga Episode II, let alone review it (like I promised a long, long time ago). I haven't even given out my opinion on the status on crackers and Amiga Video Games. That site is goin' down!

Let me say that when I bought this, I expected a little more then a typical sonic game. I thought that SEGA, with it's recent (OK, so it was like two years ago) sammy buyout, would at least stay clean with Sonic the Hedgehog. He's SEGA's flagship mascot, after all.

This game almost tore that down.

Let's break it down, Best features first.

It's good. Ok, It's only OK. I was very surprised that Sonic and Blaze (The Cat) were actually polygon renditions. It made the motion more smooth, and removes the little doubt that keeps popping out form the back of my head that the little people are really flying while moving their feet.

Actually, they do that a lot. Sonic especially. Read about the gameplay for more info.

Form an artistic view (My lord! The International Reviewers Guild will have my head for that!), the landscapes are colorful and vibrant (except when they're not supposed to), but there isn't enough variation to make a difference. Then again, you won't be seeing them for long, so that really doesn't matter.

There is one weird thing though: when the people are talking and there is a memory taking place (you need to play to understand), the speaker's transparency will be surreal. Unlike most transparencies, which simply use a different layer and use a lower opacity, the image is drawn, erased, and drawn again, giving a psudo transperancy. There probably were no more layers left.

Woah, that was different. Anyone here play the genesis sonics? Excepting these thoughts:

Speed is good
don't stop so you can go faster
if you only tap the jump button, you'll only hop

Abandon everything.

Unlike any other sonic game (haven't played sonic advance, though, so this may be wrong), you need to do rather "Tony Hawk" style tricks. While up in the air (excluding spinjumping), press B, B, A/B to do tricks (I think that A gives more points). Press the R button on rails to grind more stylistically then before (and get more points).

At least there's a point to doing tricks besides a higher ranking. It refills your
tension gauge.

Which brings me to becoming hyper. It's like sugar!

This is some cool stew. If you hit the x button, you get to go even faster then normal (though ironically not to max speed). It only works if you're on the ground, which tends to be a bummer. It takes up tension, which you can monitor via the tension gauge, which is on the same screen as the character (I say this because I have lost track of it some times...). It holds up to
300%. If you go over, you will go to "infinity mode" where you can keep going turbo and it won't take off any tension. It's only useful if you intend to go turbo immediately after you go there, because it will take off 100% of your tension, and it tends to catch up with you. You can bypass the subtraction by not going turbo until "infinity mode" wears off.

let me tell you of level design. It's still pretty good, but not as good as it used to be. In the past, in addition to most of the stuff that's here now, they had a little clever trick behind their sleeves. For instance, they would make you keep running and then there would be some kind of life-threatening trap ahead of you, and you'd have to divert your movement. That's almost all gone, with the exception of a few places.
Also, there seems to be a few holes in the levels. I try to go as far as I can, but then I end up falling. Did I deserve this? This essentially destroys the hole philosophy behind the game.

The sound effects are standard fare.

The voice acting is worth cow pies. I knew that it was bad news when SEGA started to use 4Kids entertainment for a VO producer. Tails may be just a little better, but he's still WAY too happy. There's only a few places in the game where they actually seem serious (When they say "He's coming your way!"). Eggman even says "Get ready to be School'd!" The only reasonable response to this is "WTF!"

Turn off the sound when you play this game. The music is insult. Now it's almost rap. It's close.

It sounds a lot like Jet Set Radio.

The thing is, it's a whole lot worse.

In fact, the songs I liked best were the ones that sounded like they were ripped off from JSR.
The only plus here is that it's all sequenced, not ADPCM recordings.

The songs are very neutral. That, my friends, is very bad.

You know, the worst thing is that there are people talking, speaking, and even worse, singing in the background.

One of the songs says "too black," and I'm wondering if it's a racist statement.

On the other hand, it has a nice use of stereo separation!

By the way, "X" means Something you should never play in public.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

"Has Christianity Become "Uncool?"

That exact phrase has been said by millions of Americans Billions of times
over.But there is still one big detail that all of them overlook:

Who is God?

This question is never asked anymore. Why? It was once taken as known.
Now it is questionable if it really is known. In fact, if you asked someone, you
might get an answer like this: "You know, ... He's like, ... this guy."

Of course, there are a few people who will think "What kind of question is
that?" and if you mention this article, will slap you silly.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Linux Reigns Again

Take that, Foul Commercial Software! Know this, Ubuntu will rock my hardware!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

More People from Durango!

This is Fabulous/Random Ishbalan/State Alchemist/Mental. Very nice picture!
Unfortunately, this picture of Sam! didn't turn out so well. Even my attempts at improvement didn't help! So I used GIMPpressionist.
This is My friend Shelby, AKA おばあさん. This is the best over-the-shoulder-while-not-looking shot ever!
Keroppi once again, but this time in the best picture I ever took!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Some of the cooler ladies

On the Left: Keropii-san
Right: Some nice asian girl.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Listen (For Once!)

Listen. I'm tired of giving people good advice and fortelling a good fortune. And It's always right.

So when I tell you you should do something, DO IT!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Ta Da!

Since I havn't posted an a few days, I decided to write a difinitave guide to serial transfers to an Amiga computer.

Note: all of these meathods require the ADF Sender Terminal, a simple and easy to use serial transfer program. Click on the title of this article to vidit the AST homepage and download the current version.

AST master configuration: DO THIS FIRST!!!:::: The master configuration is very easy, but it has to be 100 percent correct, or else the transfer will not work. All you have to do is click "CommPort => Configure" and set them to match the configuration of the Amiga. Most Amiga's serial settings can be set by going to your amiga system drawer under Prefrences then Serial. AMKS SURE YOU ARE USING A NULL-MODEM CABLE!

Method One: The "Type" method.
This meathod works only for the Amiga 1000 and 500 models

This one is simple; type this in absolutely as you see it.
type ser: to ram:filename
Where Filename is you'r file you are transfering.
On the PC side, make sure that the port is open (click the red light and make sure it turns green) and click send, then select your file to send. After the file finishes and before you do anything else, type Ctrl-C. Then select "yes" on the AST dialogue box and send any file. cancel it: it's just to fill a buffer.
Your file is on your ramdisk; I reccomend you'll put it in a drawr you'll remember it.

Method Two: The AREXX method
For everything else.

Download this file. It is recieve script in Basic and Arexx (Arexx version reccomended). In fact, these instructions are for the Arexx script, if you even bothered to read the title. You have two ways to do this. First, you can handwrite the script. It's not that long and really isn't that complex. The second way is to use the type command and transfer it to your amiga via NULL-Modem cable and AST.

For the first, open a plain text editor on your Amiga (I reccomend MicroEmacs, partly because I love any form of Emacs, excluding the windows port). You will need to open the Rexx (not .rexxlong!) script in a text editor on your computer, or if you are using a single monoter for the operation, print it out.. Just type it into the amiga and save it as "recieve.rexx." Make sure you remember where you put it. You can put it in the C folder of your Workbench disk for quick access.

For the second, follow the TYPE method above with the .rexxlong file as ram:recieve.rexx. Check it's integrety; a crashed arexx script is really annoying. once again, you may want to save it in your C drawer.

After you have the file on your computer, type in this:
rx recieve
You will need to then name the file (And press enter) and then specify the file size (check and double check! Then press enter.) On the PC side, just transfer your file with AST. when it asks you to send a file again, click yes and choose a random file. It's just there to fill the buffer: it doesn't even get transfered.

You may want to use Twin express after you get it on there.

Sunday, October 30, 2005


Oh no, My sister has become a rapper!

How to Break Things with Gerbil Food

Step 1: Grind the Gerbil food
Step 2: Add Gasoline to the Gerbil food. Make sure to wear a mask.
Step 3: Add a ton of glue and mix completely. Add a fuse and wait for it to dry.
Step 4: Light it next to something you think is Ugly, Stupid, or is trying to kill you.

Compliments of the Shrine of the Mad Cow.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Reasons to be Grateful to The GIMP.

After getting a new digital camera, I was inspired to write a few simple reasons to be grateful to The GIMP.

A Despeckle enhansement filter, to fix problems that come form, oh, let's say a digital camera that takes bad pictures.

Color tuning abilities needed for fixing some pictures - like ones taken from digital cameras

It's free!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Rakugaki Kingdom

Just look into it. I typed it in and accidently erased it. It's a cool game featuring Yasunori Mitsuda and Studio GHIBLI.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Die, CCSD!!

This title is really misleading. The real target of this article is to kill off all of limitations that are faced daily in the classroom environment from budget constrictions.

The first thing to do is eliminate the textbooks. This "wealth of Information" is actually a bad idea, because it costs a ridiculous amount of money to purchase. (It's also very heavy to students bringing the books home, which will likely lead to back problems).
So to solve the textbook problems, we simply reduce it to a more portable form. Is anyone thinking what I am? Maybe PDF, PostScript, DVI, or even LaTeX sources? or maybe publishers can give it out in an even more universal format, like XML?
Of course, all of this means a demand for computers if we're going to digitize the textbooks. But computers are expensive, right? WRONG!!!! The software is expensive. The district spends probibly millions (if not billions) of dollars on inflated cost software. Then they pay some developers to make specialized programs, and give them an extra trillion or so (I wonder how much I've missed the mark? Maybe my sarcasm is on point...).
The Idiots at the offices don't get out much appearantly, so they really can't see how little it would cost to put a Linix and/or BSD distrobution on a computer (which, by the way, whould cost less if they didn't have to buy them from a terrible manufacturer like Dell. Even Great Quality Computers [by the way, GQ is NOT great quality, especially with their cheap SYS motherboards!] would have a higher rating then Dell.). Using Linux/BSD would decrease the TCO and with some luck, increase the teacher's salery (clearly, I jest).
New Computers may not even need to be purchased. There are many alternatives to standard desktop PCs. Laptops can occasionally be cheaper and at the same time, offer more features then a PC. MIT is even trying to build a $100 Laptop. PocketPCs and HandheldPCs, while still overpriced, have now thankfully reached under $200 in some places.
Now there is one good idea for a computer replacement that hasn't been widely explored yet, and that's because it is still quite bleeding edge (even thought the idea came in about 1996). It's called the Simputer. It was designed by MIT computer labs as a means of 'updating' third world countries. However outdated it is now (It was compleated quite a while ago...) it may still have some uses to public schools, as it can be used as a public terminal via SmartCards.

The next thing that would be wise to do is Superlearning via Binaural beats. Well, that's something that The school district will have to discover themselves.

More to come later.

Friday, September 30, 2005

if you thought that the last post was boring and tasteless, then go to Altavista babblefish and type in for address and select the lower japanese to english ~ and laugh at the really bad transilation

日本人 です!

as you can see, I have sucessfully made japanese typable
as in interesting tidbit, Microsoft's Globle IME doesn't work in Internet Explorer, but it works fine in Firefox!

こんにち わ
わたし わ 飽きる いかす です
十五 さい です
ghettopolis から です
California に すんで います
いの が すき です
microsoft が きらい です
げんき です
どぞ よろしく

in romanji:
konnichi wa
watashi wa Akir(u) Ikasu desu
jyugo sai desu
ghettopolis kara desu
California ni sunde imasu
inu ga suki desu
microsoft ga kirai desu
genki desu
dozo yoroshiku

In English
glad to meet you
good morning
I am Akir Ikasu
I am 15 years old
I line in Ghettopolis
I am from California
I love dogs
I hate microsoft
I'm happy
See you later.

Three cheers

Durango keeps getting better in my eyes.
(This is really a very well disguised complaint that I can't type japanese on this stupid computer)

Monday, September 26, 2005

a tiney little secret

In retrobution for me not updating this webpage, I have decided to give out one of my precious secrets.

My definition of "fast operating System" is "runs like AmigaOS3.5 on a 68040"
or "Runs like Win ME on my cheapo 600Mhz PC"

Monday, September 19, 2005

I want my amiga back!!

When I left California, I had to leave my amiga there. Now I'm here, finally with a Keyboard and mouse, but no Amiga! Bring the Amiga back like you said you would, GM!!!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Amiga's future: AROS

As most Amiga people out there know, AROS has been there for a little while. The Amiga Research Operating System was created back "when the fulure of Amiga looked particularly dim." Their goal is to be compatible with AmigaOS 3.1. Now they are making a new operation system with Amiga compatiblity, though you can't run the origional programs on it without either running it on a m68k platform or recompiling it. Or you can do the old fashioned thing and run the new AROSUAE, Ironically an Amiga Emulator.

[currently, the notable ports of AROS is i386 (which ironically needs a 486 computer), PowerPC and m68k]

AROS supprisingly have a reasonable amount of support. One notable supporter is Genesi, the people behing PEGASOS. They are also supported by SourceForge, and they have some sort of relationship with a german company called trustsec.

for more information, check out

Saturday, September 03, 2005

I fixed it!!! Again...

I have now installed windows with Ubuntu. Why? no-one knows.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

My Amiga: Now and Then

1990-1999: Amigas are High end Graphic Multimedia Computers. They were sold for thousands of dollars.

2005: The exact Same Amigas are now outdated, But the Parts are still for the rich!

Monday, August 22, 2005

The Old Tyme Revue

I have started another Blog-that's-not-a-blog. This time, It's The Old Tyme Revue, where I will be reviewing things, including the ever-important old stuff.

Coming Soon: A review of The Mad Greek Resteraunt.

Coming Soon Somewhere Else: A Page wasting Blogger's bandwith and space by not being a blog.

Coming Soon at my Home: An Amiga that I can use!

Coming Soon at A working page!

Coming Soon at Notes of Condemnent for my decision to use Amigas for a development platform. Please see the Project Candlelight Topic (starting at the near end of page 3) at the forums under General Projects.

Friday, August 19, 2005

The Commodore Amiga

Today, while staying at my grandmother's house (Just gotta love grandma!), I got a "new" Commodore Amiga 3000. Of course, she didn't buy it ahead of time, But we bought it at the local thrift store. The only problem with it is the fact that it didn't come with anything. I bought a serial mouse to use with it while I looked for other stuff (after all, WorkBench is a GUI and there are serial ports in the side). I couldn't find anything else, though.

The A3000 is a pretty nifty computer, especially considering the date of manufacture. There is quite a number of ports on it so far. Here's a list:

2 Joystick ports (on the side; They look like modern serial ports, but will apparently work with many Atari joypads)
1 PS/1 keyboard port
1 23 pin (male) video port (marked 15 KHz)
1 mini 23 pin (female) mini (like most modern VGA cards) video port (Marked 31 KHz)
1 23 pin male serial port (My serial logitech mouse needs an adaptor and a driver)
1 Exterior Floppy disk drive port
1 PC-standard parallel port
1 SCSI port (I think it's SCSI-1)
4 Zorro-III ports (One seems to be mysteriously occupied. I hope it's a 233MHz PowerPC Expansion!
2 RCA audio outputs, one left, one right.

apparently, The A3000 is an EIDE bussed computer. There is a hard drive in mine (Of unknown dimensions and speed) There is a Floppy drive in the front of it, of which I am unsure if it's 880Kb or 1.44Mb. Some signs point to it being 1.44. Of course, it has the infamous module sound system (Of which I have not yet listened to yet.) Because of it's PS/1 Keyboard interface, I cannot yet use a keyboard (my grandmother has neither PS/1 keyboards nor adaptors). Of course, I don't have a mouse to work with it yet either.

There is a mysterious switch in the back. I am leaning on it being the CPU switch between (Don't blame me if these numbers are wrong) 16 and 32 MHz. There is some logical reasoning in this judgment. When I plugged in the Amiga into a monitor (with the Amiga's switch set to "Disable"), I got an "OUT OF SCAN RANGE" message from the monitor. When the Switch was flipped back to the "Enable" Position, The scan range returned. I say this points to the CPU switch because it's natural train of thought to use more CPU power for higher resolution.

I've went to the online shops and found out that I could modernize my Amiga. I could Give it an expansion board that would enable dual processors. Most people know that using two processors at a time will make your computer run faster then one processor running at the added speed. The Zorro-III seems up to the bus speed. Also, the theoretical memory expansion is 2 Gb! That's a lot even for today's standards. I could even put on a CD-writer and Video Digitizer, allowing me to publish Video CDs. With a bit of hacking, I could make it run with a full DVD writer. However, I wish to utilize this computer, not hack it. I can even put it on the internet with either a traditional modem or a network card (probably the X-link ZIII Ethernet) I might update the BIOS to 3.9 and add a CD drive, and with a PowerPC expansion, I could upgrade to the newest AmigaOS. Or I could use AMIX, Amiga UNIX, probably right now!

But right now, All I have is WorkBench, and I'm pleased (Especially because I can get a ton of applications in image format online!)

Saturday, July 23, 2005

A Truely Sweet Song

Xenosaga Episode II was looking like a bad game. The only thing going for it was the drama scenes and the fight scenes. Then I went to "Blue Laguna" and I downloaded the soundtrack. I was blown away. Yes, sometimes Yuki Kajiura is a bad musician (especially when he repeats. In the game it is made worse by the field music) You hear about 4 songs with the same name and melody. Then, All of the Sakura's (Sakura is the name of the 4 songs) come together in a beutiful mix of orchestra and the most beutiful lyrics you will ever hear.
Sweet Song is the name of the beutiful mix of Sakuras. Every time you hear this song, you will cry. It is just that good. read this exerpt from the lyrics:

I remember the days of summer
We were so close together
You were humming the songs of silence
Sweetly plucking the harp of wind

Every moment was sacred and mystic
We were near to the shore of eternity
The days are gone, and will never come back
Life can never be perfect without you
But I'm still on my way to the future
For I remember your sweet song in my mind
I remember the days of winter
You were sitting beside me
All alone in the shuttered places
We were waiting for thawing day

Every moment was sacred and mystic
We were hoping the night was eternal
The days are gone, and so far away
I'm still singing your sweet song for long
Long windy nights...

Isn't it wonderful! The melody is the best part of the song though, So I reccomend that you get the soundtrack!

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Weird happenings in the cafe`

Today, I hade dinner at a cafe.
when I finished, I still had a cookie left, so I put it in the conveyer belt that led into the disposal area. When I had returned there with a glass of juice that I finished, I heard the people working back there say "anyone want a cookie?"

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Hello, Goodbye

Blogger, hosts this Wonderful Magnificant blog. You might have found out by the "Blogger Toolbar" It's nice that I can use HTML and XML markups, though. It's really only HTML, but don't tell them that.

Anyways, they now have "Blogger Pictures" incorperated into the Blog system. It's nice because I can now upload pictures into the Blogger Server without using "Hello." Time to celebrate!!!

Did I mention HWCreative is moving

Did I mention that I will be hosting the "Hello World" Creative Webpage from my desktop? Isn't that awesome! And now that I'm learning XML, I can make awesome webpages. Plus, with XML, I will be able to program for the Simputer! See MIT ML.

Monday, July 04, 2005


As you may or may not have noticed, I havn't made any posts lately. That is largly because I havn't had the opritunity to do so. I have been going to an equivilent of Summer Camp. The only difference between this and Summer Camp is mainly the Camp, but it is also in the fact that I am learning things. Scary isn't it?

In this program, dubbed the Summer Residential Program, I go through the simulated college experiance. I can tell you right now that it is boring as a 24-hour waiting room. We don't even get to sleep!

Anyways, I have made some acompleshments, Including the Apache Web Server, PHP, some XML programing, Nearing MySLQ; and after that phpBB. I may also add a Wiki. When all of this is finished, I will organize it and make it "Hello World" Creative's Home page. Project Candlelight will be on hold until I can find a good cross-platform game engine. Sphere isn't yet available as a Debian (or in this case, Ubuntu) package. Sphere would work slowly in any case, because it uses java. RPG Development Studio is moving slowly twards being linux compatible.

The biggest problem with Project Candlelight is the platform. Computers are too wide in scope to release any programs on without a wide budget. I might look into that Kalistos OS for Dreamcast just so I can try to program for something more concrete. Should programming the Dreamcast become too dificult, I could make this a Boardgame Book.

By the way, now, I'm completely Windows-free. Goodbye, Tyrany! Hello Ubuntuism!

Friday, June 24, 2005

Factoid I

I needed to update, so I thought I'd give you a factoid.

Mac OS X is based not off of unix, but NrXtSTEP computers. NeXt was convieniately owned by Steve Jobbs anyways, and the OS was also based off of Unix. Thus, no one cares.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Time Travel Theorists are Dumb

According to this article from the BBC, You can go into the past, but only if it's "Complimentary" to what happened. If we were playing "Bullshit" right now, this would be the time to yell out "BS."

If anything would visit the past, the past would change; at the very least, on a matter-location level. In order to teleport (which is the basis of time travel), you must move particles away from the destination location or move the particles around, change the density of the atoms, and change the atoms themselves to other atoms (Alchemy - turning one element into another), and bond to precisely the right atoms. The latter is practically impossible. Even if you teleported an object into a vacuum in some other time, it would change the density of the universe. Thus, time travel is impossible.

Now for a loophole that would make this theory correct.
We'd have to make reservations now.

Don't laugh. I'm not kidding.

In order to travel to the past, there would have to be some sort of anomaly that would bring something from the future to the past. Thus, the person from the future would be traveling to their past. You see, if there's a sudden creation of matter in the present, and it happens to resemble the “time traveler” in every possible way, then it is technically time travel. Then, the addition of matter is explained in the present, so it works.

But this is all based on a theory, so it's unlikely that it's true.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

More Ubuntu!

More Ubuntu. The upper right window is the file manager viewing some music that I ripped from "Do As Infinity - Do the B-Side" Below that is a simple mixer. on the left is the Totem Media Player, playing Track 08.Ogg. There is a visualization, but it uses a seperate layer, thus staying hidden.


I have recently installed ubuntu Linux on my computer. I did it mainly because when I reinstalled windows, it removed my bootloader. So now I no longer have OpenBSD. ubuntu doesn't yet support my Wireless Network Card, but right now, I'm trying to use the rt25000 driver. On this screenshot, running visibly is GNOME running on the X Windowing System. The three left-most windows open is the GIMP (GNU Image Minipulation Program), which I must say is noticibly faster on linux then Windows. The lower right window is Firefox opening an introductory webpage provided by the distro. The upper right window is Sound Juicer, the free CD ripper. It rips into Ogg Vorbis, which is quite nice (especially concidering the fact that the plugins needed to play MP3 isn't yet installed). As the network isn't configured, it can't review the CDDB, and it is viewed as Unknown.

Friday, June 10, 2005



Metaphorically. School's finally out. Now for Project Candlelight!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

A New Song

I found a rather good song while surfing the net. It's called Dream Alone, and It's available in Ogg Vorbis (Quality 0, but it still sounds the same as Quality 5), courtisy of me. It's right here. I encoded it myself. This is more proof of Ogg Vorbis' power. The oigional File was a MadTrcker2 file (AKA MOD) and it was 10Mb. Now it's 1.04 Mb. Now it's actually small enough to fit on a floppy disk!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

We Love the Foundation!

I love the Foundation. They made Ogg Vorbis, the worlds most efficient lossy audio codec. They also made FLAC, the most efficient Lossless Audio Codec. Plus there's Theora, the Ogg Vorbis A/V! Tehy even made the new CVS, subversion. There's also speex, a lossy audio codec especially for speach; Icecast, a wonderful way to braudcast Audio in Ogg WMA, and MP3; There's also CDParanoia, the CD ripper. is changing the way that the world works!

Windows Again. Damn.

I had to install windows again. As good a program Firefox is, it can't block out everything; after all, it wasn't ment for that.

I hate Windows still. When I installed Windows, it erased my bootloader. what crap is that! Now I can't resize my partitions or even boot openBSD. I'd like to take a moment to post a wanted ad


Bill Gates.

Pays nothing, but you'll be doing the world a favor.

Note: the above is a ventilation of anger. This is not a serious "Wanted" Advertisement.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Going Forwards

Project Candlelight is finally going somewhere (albeit slowly)! After a long arguement with some contributors, we decided that they'd stop messing with my creative decisions (64x64 tiles instead of 24x24) But we're officially off! you've got to read the forums at Shining Source!

Three posts in one day! Now if only everyday could be like the weekends (AKA no school).

Windows Update Update

Guess what? I updated fully, and the CD burner still doesn't work. I'd like to bring up a phrase that describes my feelings right about now;

"Dei Gates Dei"

Hating Windows

I hate Windows in it's totality.

I'm running Windows Update now. It takes hours at a time. Even worse, you have to restart after practically everything you install.

And It's not as if you have a choice. If you don't install it, something will start to malfunction. Already, my CD burner isn't working!

Plus, you have to do It through Internet Explorer and Visual Basic. Do any of you know what a security risk that that is?!!!

Am I the only person who can see all the problems with this system here?

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Free AND Legal!

Unlike that Playstation ISO that I mentioned, a legal version of the PC version of GTA, GTA2, and one other game that I care for even less is availible for free. the only catch is that you have to sign up for their mailing lists. However, if you have Email Address up the wazoo, like I do, then you can just make it send to your older less mature Email. it's available at for an indefinate time.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Say Hello!

A warm welcome goes out to Lee Him Chan (yes, she is a girl!), who has just arived in New York (assumedly the city) from Korea. She's a pen pal that I made a while ago, and unfortuantely lost touch with for a short while, then came together again. I'll be sure to show you all a photo of her when/if she gets here to ghettopolis.

Monday, May 30, 2005

free GTA

What is that I hear? Grand Theft Auto is availible for download? For free? wow, bob, that's amazing!

but seriously, I found out that GTA was available at It's only availible for the week, though.

Monday, May 23, 2005

It is finished!!!!

I had said a while ago that I was busy installing FreeBSD. I tried. It was hard and grueling.

Then I used OpenBSD. It's easy. The hardest part was Finding the geometry of the unpartitioned space of the hard drive. Then I just used the pkg_add feature to install Firefox from a precompiled package. Soon to come is Enlightenment and KDE (maybe gnome).

The great part of OpenBSD is the great hardware support. It's the most home compatible Unix I've ever seen. It immeadiately configured my wireless WMP54G 802.11g Wireless networking card, and also found my Sound card immeadiately! That's something no other unix has done so far!

Mad Props to the OpenBSD team

P.S. The address for Utopias is Nothing's there yet, so don't look.

Sunday, May 22, 2005


I have a new bolgbook. It's called Utopias.

It's a collection of perfect worlds.

That thing on the sidebar

Those of you just joining with us, I have put a new icon on the bottom of the sidebar. It's a Creative Commons License Deed. That's right, this is now licensed. Strange Idea, because no one's reading this anyways.

in other news, my birthday is over. I didn't get anything that I wanted. And I was hoping that I would get to see the end of Microsoft! Oh well, at least I got a 64Mb flashdrive MP3/WMF player.

It's these one day events that means you should read this blog every day!

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Celebrate me!

Today is my Birthday.

So what are you going to give me?

So far, I have nothing. I apted to get my DS ahead of time, and boy, have I used it.

Here's what I want:

1) A GP32 at 166mhz
2) A GP32 at 166mhz
3) The distruction of Microsoft
4) A new computer with a working multipel partition disc with Linux and OpenBSD
5) A GP32 at 166mhz
6) A Nintendo Revolution

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

you probibly shouldn't ask... - GP32 review

The GP32: - GP32 review

This system is positively amazing! Everyone should have one of these! It has a huge screen, several emulators available, andit's almost (almost) better then the DS (which makes it better then the PSP) It's korean, but that won't stop you, because it's almost international. also check out the FLU (front Lit Unit) and BLU (Back Lit Unit). Just make sure it runs at 166mhz!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

FreeBSD... Again

Yep, you heard it. I'm putting FreeBSD into my computer again. This time, I'm going to fix everything, though!

Sunday, April 17, 2005

go here

GO HERE NOW! My life depends on it!

Saturday, April 16, 2005

More Interesting Stuff

Check these revolutionary MIT Media Labs Inventions: $100 laptop and the Simputer

Friday, April 15, 2005

Microsoft "Longhorn:" The non-unix KDE?

As you may or may not know, Microsoft has graced the public with a preview of the new windows, codenamed "Longhorn." It's supposed to be a radically new windows, with an even higher cost to your graphics card. However, as this reporter reads it, it's just KDE without Unix or X-windows.
For those of you who don't know what KDE is, it's a Graphical User Interface(GUI) that runs on a Unix operating system (Linux, BSD and variants, SunOS, NEXTstep, possibly even Mac OSX!) KDE is open-source, which means that it has infinate developers, resources, and (best of all) support. KDE can even be run on windows, whit the help of Cygwin/X. There are more GUIs availible for Unix, however, KDE is the most popular, next to Gnome, then Enlightenment. Although KDE is a "community project" anyone can contribute to, it has been given to KDE e.V, a company created just for KDE, to leagally defend the GUI.
An article from Cnet gives us a discription of the archetype build. "Document icons are no longer a hint of the type of file, but rather a small picture of the file itself," the article says. That has been a part of KDE for quite a long time now. KDE also lets you see the entire first page if you rollover it with the mouse. "Folders, too, show glimpses of what's inside." Cnet reporters apperently like to reiterate their point."Translucent windows and other graphics tricks are expected to find their way into the finished software." Still, Cnet thinks that this is new.
"If there is more than one PC in a home network, Allchin said, it will be easy to allow sharing of files and easy to get at those files. For example, a PC with Longhorn might show all the music files together, whether they are on the local PC or another machine on the network." This is one feature that KDE doesn't have, Soley because of the Unix infrastructure, whereas Windows is completely different. This would also cause further confusion if you should ever choose to leave the network, something commonly done with Notebook and Tablet PCs.
The artical continues furter saying that you can change the amount of Eye Candy enabled on your machiene. It lists two problems (although very nonchalantly) the first is that it appears to have a preset-features-only setting, so you can't choose which features you want or don't want. After all, not everyone likes mouse trails. The second problem is that the minimalist version is like the current version of windows, which will couse problems in older computers.
Although it is never good to copy other's work, at least our friend Gates has finally learned that mocking other people can make feces look like chocolate. maybe someday he will be origional!

I know it's late, But here's a nice collage from The Military ball. It was rocking, and there was ice cream!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Ode de Mitsuda

As you all may or may not know, Yasunori Mitsuda, the musical talent behind Monolith Software is Phasing out of gaming music to work with his non-game music. Basically, he's evaporated from the United States.

Yasunori Mitsuda was the renaissance man of gaming music, defining the fact that music is an integral part of gaming. After all, even First Person Shooters would be boring without a good soundtrack.

Mitsuda also did a favor to all Americans, by giving us a small respite from rap. And, although this may sound somewhat silly, but he actually worked god into his works. The theme to Xenosaga Episode 1 (Der Wille zur Macht) was "Gloria Patriae et Filio," which transilates into "Glory to the Father and to the Son."

Here is a(n incomplete) list of all the games that Yasunori Mitsuda has revolutionized:

Chrono Trigger
Chrono Cross
Xenosaga Episode 1
Radical Dreamers
(unconfirmed) Xenosaga Episode 2 (Jenseits von Gut und Bose)

Saturday, March 05, 2005


This is a mirror done for a Web Page Design Class. All of this belongs to ;

Xenosaga Episode II: Jenits von Gut und Bose

I bought it a week ago, and a review is soon to come.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Get firefox!!!

Good news!!!

The coveted Mozilla Firefox browser has now gone turbo to version 1.0.1! Get firefox at or the main page, Then buy the Firefox Plush Toy, because it's hecka awesome. Microsoft doesn't have a cute themed plush, now do they?

Sunday, February 20, 2005

California Drivers Can Tank Up WIth Hydrogen
Posted by timothy on Sunday February 20, @12:06AM
from the loading-the-dice dept.
Country_hacker writes "News site is reporting ChevronTexaco has opened a hydrogen fuel station in Chino, California, and has plans to open five more. Servicing three (or more) Hyundai SUVs, these prototype fueling stations are a part of a five-year cost-sharing program put on by the Department of Energy. Could this be the 'egg' in the alternate fuels 'chicken or egg?' scenario?"

Friday, February 18, 2005

Latest windows trash

Read this. It's an entire Ad for windows. They say that Windows is beter then Linux, but this proves that they are lower then dirt!

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

The First Post of FreeBSD

Yup, it's th truth.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Sonic's Quest for Power

Yes, This show is good!

Photo by Acrix69

This Photo is soo cool, that I'm putting it in all of my blogs.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Cool, Huh?

"Nintendo had recently licensed Palm OS based PDA software without any details on why they had done it. Nintendo sources have now revealed that the V-Pocket patent filed by Nintendo a few days ago concerns this licensing. E3 2005 will be the first witness of the Nintendo V-Pocket suite: a complete line of personal organizer tools for the Nintendo DS. Nintendo believes PDA software coupled with the already existing touch screen of the DS will put it above its high profiled rival, the PSP."

At it again

All right, I'm at it again. I'm going to try to install FreeBSD. This one might take a while.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

This was so terrible, I had to post this. It's an english version of Fukai Mori.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Interesting oppionon...

This is supposed to be one of the best games (Besides halo And DOOM). Read the oppinion of Bill (The Graphics and sound plugin guy)


December 05, 2004 - That’s life

A long awaited, new game got released. Great, I had it pre-ordered, so I went to our local store, put 40+ Euro at the table, and got a DVD case containing the game. Inside: a game DVD (wow) and one sheet of paper, no real manual or whatever.

Well, that's life.

During the game install, I was taking a look at the paper. It told me that at the end of the install I need to connect to the internet, to create an 'account' and to verify the CD key. Eh? Since I have neither a fast internet connection nor a flatrate (both are not available where I am living), I already got a strange feeling.

Ah, that's life.

After installation a 'registration' web site was started in my browser. Mmm... is that this account creation? Seems more like the typical 'fill in your data and be prepared to get a lot of useless, unwanted informations from our favourite spam server' site to me. No, thanx, Vivendi.

You know, that's life.

Starting the installed game, now the real 'account client' was starting up. And it started to download something. For a while. And a while more. Until it seemed to hang. Quit it, start it again, download activity starts again. Repeat that 3 times.

That's life, and life sucks sometimes.

Eventually some other window appeared. I created an account. After several attempts I was even able to see a list of games, the one I bought included. After a lotta clicking I made it to enter my CD key somewhere. Did I mention that this sorry excuse for a manual (sheet of paper) didn't explain this procedure at all? And should I mention that after entering the key, I got an obscure error message about a WinSock failure?

Yeah, I should, because that's life.

Nevertheless I proceeded, trying to start the game... but wait, more stuff needed to get downloaded first. Eh, did I buy a game DVD or what? Ok, let's make a fast forward: after 4 hours downloading and waiting the game started up. Well, I've installed a lotta games in the past 23 years, but this was the most horrible, longest and most expensive installation procedure I have ever seen.

At least it finished while I was still alive.

Mmmm... but 'finished' is the wrong word, I fear. 'Offline mode not available'. Yeah, I was only able to start the game while being online. No word of explanation for the reason. Time for some good ole Alex Harvey Band music... dumdudu... "but now I was framed, I was framed" ...dumdu.

New day, new life.

During the next day (being online again to start the game), suddenly the offline mode became possible. Aha. Better block all internet access for this game in the future, to keep the offline mode active. Don't even think about the next reinstall procedure. Ignore the sound stuttering that happens from time to time, no matter what game options have been chosen (of course I couldn't resist to go online again the next days, to see if some auto-update will fix the stuttering... none did, of course, it made it worse, but hey, the game company announced that it happens only to a few systems, so what, harhar).

Sure, life goes on.

At least for 30 days or so... as I've read in some forums (and tested it myself after reading it), the offline mode will not work anymore after this time span. I would need to go online again, to 'renew' the account.

Sorry, that's not life.

That's half life.

To be exact, Half Life²

The one and only "Steam powered" game I will ever own."

Friday, February 04, 2005

NFG Games Reviews Nintendo's DS Game, Catch! Touch! Yoshi!

NFG Games Reviews Nintendo's DS Game, Catch! Touch! Yoshi!

I just have to say that this is the worst game for the DS yet!
Doesn't the guy in this picture look creepy...?

Sunday, January 30, 2005

NFG Games Guide to Nectaris

NFG Games Guide to Nectaris

This game looks pretty neat, so check it out!

Friday, January 28, 2005


I saw the second Trailer to Xenosaga Episode II. It's so awesome, I almost cried when It was finished.
Find it HERE.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

A sad day in computing history...

Today is the worst thing ever to happen in computing history.

I re-installed windows ME, scrapping gentoo....

Goodbye, Cruel world!

Monday, January 17, 2005

DSDSDSDSDSDS Nintendo DS!!!!!!!

I now have the ultimate power:

The Nintendo DS!

It's even more awesome then they say. The wireless feature is great, working at high rates of speed. I bought Sonic Team's Feel the magic (XY[heart]XX) at the same time. It really is just a collection of themed mini games, but they are still fun, and very challenging. I only wish that they'd used the hard buttons!

Furthermore, my GBA games have been brought to life. Playing Shining Force: Ressurection of the Dark Dragon (You know. That cheep SF spoof. I miss the Takahashi Brothers...) and it looked like a totally new game!

Needless to say, This system rocks. Sony should Die for their evil PSP with all of it's design flaws.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Nothing Works!

You read the title!

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Ah Ha!!!

I will get it to work! I have found that the problem with gentoo was indeed coldplug! Coldplug is the program that makes the computer automatically detect and install hardware drivers on booting. When it doesn't work, no devices are detected.
Unfortunately, I had put that off untill I fixed the network. I was stupid to think that coldplug wasn't the problem when it was so obvious!

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Gentoo Update! Mk II

I have managde to save the root password, however, there is a problem with the network

If you can help me, I'll be grateful.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Gentoo Update!

Peoples! Celebrate!

I have diagnosed my coldplug problem more, and have found a problem.

No, this isn't the reason to celebrate.

The reason to cdlebrate is that I have Fixed it! It booted, but the root password hadn't been saved, (even though I triple Checked it) It turned out to be because I had shut down my computer improperly , which was because USB Hotplugging had decided that it didn't want to disable, and It needed that to happen before the root password was saved.
Now i have booted the install disc with the switch [-nousb].

Now I will recompile everything (with genkernel, I don't want to go through all those kernel configurations), and see if it works.

Now THAT was reason to celebrate.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Problems with Gentoo...

I'm having problems installing Gentoo. I need to install (in this case, "emerge") coldplug, But it and it's subsidaries are masked!

If you know how to fix this, make a comment, please!

Just so you know, I am running a 664 megahertz i686 architecture computer with 128 megahertz.


Dear peoples:

I am going to install Gentoo on my home computer! Right now, I am typing this post from the embedded Links2 Browser, which, as you might have guessed, means that the most important part, the network, has been set up!

To Bill gates:
I'm sorry. Windows just sucks. Get a new management team, and lower the cost!

Saturday, January 01, 2005

A New Feature

A new feature has been discovered! For all of those who have Firefox, The Bitchin'est web browser on the web, You get Live Bookmarks! Live Bookmarks are ways to get the newest blog posts (or news posts) automatically checked and placed in a "psudo-sub-folder" on your bookmarks tab. Any website with an RSS feed is capable with Live Bookmarks. To add this blog as a Live Bookmark, Click the Icon on the bottom right of firefok and click "subscribe to...."