Thursday, November 10, 2005

Ta Da!

Since I havn't posted an a few days, I decided to write a difinitave guide to serial transfers to an Amiga computer.

Note: all of these meathods require the ADF Sender Terminal, a simple and easy to use serial transfer program. Click on the title of this article to vidit the AST homepage and download the current version.

AST master configuration: DO THIS FIRST!!!:::: The master configuration is very easy, but it has to be 100 percent correct, or else the transfer will not work. All you have to do is click "CommPort => Configure" and set them to match the configuration of the Amiga. Most Amiga's serial settings can be set by going to your amiga system drawer under Prefrences then Serial. AMKS SURE YOU ARE USING A NULL-MODEM CABLE!

Method One: The "Type" method.
This meathod works only for the Amiga 1000 and 500 models

This one is simple; type this in absolutely as you see it.
type ser: to ram:filename
Where Filename is you'r file you are transfering.
On the PC side, make sure that the port is open (click the red light and make sure it turns green) and click send, then select your file to send. After the file finishes and before you do anything else, type Ctrl-C. Then select "yes" on the AST dialogue box and send any file. cancel it: it's just to fill a buffer.
Your file is on your ramdisk; I reccomend you'll put it in a drawr you'll remember it.

Method Two: The AREXX method
For everything else.

Download this file. It is recieve script in Basic and Arexx (Arexx version reccomended). In fact, these instructions are for the Arexx script, if you even bothered to read the title. You have two ways to do this. First, you can handwrite the script. It's not that long and really isn't that complex. The second way is to use the type command and transfer it to your amiga via NULL-Modem cable and AST.

For the first, open a plain text editor on your Amiga (I reccomend MicroEmacs, partly because I love any form of Emacs, excluding the windows port). You will need to open the Rexx (not .rexxlong!) script in a text editor on your computer, or if you are using a single monoter for the operation, print it out.. Just type it into the amiga and save it as "recieve.rexx." Make sure you remember where you put it. You can put it in the C folder of your Workbench disk for quick access.

For the second, follow the TYPE method above with the .rexxlong file as ram:recieve.rexx. Check it's integrety; a crashed arexx script is really annoying. once again, you may want to save it in your C drawer.

After you have the file on your computer, type in this:
rx recieve
You will need to then name the file (And press enter) and then specify the file size (check and double check! Then press enter.) On the PC side, just transfer your file with AST. when it asks you to send a file again, click yes and choose a random file. It's just there to fill the buffer: it doesn't even get transfered.

You may want to use Twin express after you get it on there.

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