Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Say Hello!

A warm welcome goes out to Lee Him Chan (yes, she is a girl!), who has just arived in New York (assumedly the city) from Korea. She's a pen pal that I made a while ago, and unfortuantely lost touch with for a short while, then came together again. I'll be sure to show you all a photo of her when/if she gets here to ghettopolis.

Monday, May 30, 2005

free GTA

What is that I hear? Grand Theft Auto is availible for download? For free? wow, bob, that's amazing!

but seriously, I found out that GTA was available at dohgames.com. It's only availible for the week, though.

Monday, May 23, 2005

It is finished!!!!

I had said a while ago that I was busy installing FreeBSD. I tried. It was hard and grueling.

Then I used OpenBSD. It's easy. The hardest part was Finding the geometry of the unpartitioned space of the hard drive. Then I just used the pkg_add feature to install Firefox from a precompiled package. Soon to come is Enlightenment and KDE (maybe gnome).

The great part of OpenBSD is the great hardware support. It's the most home compatible Unix I've ever seen. It immeadiately configured my wireless WMP54G 802.11g Wireless networking card, and also found my Sound card immeadiately! That's something no other unix has done so far!

Mad Props to the OpenBSD team

P.S. The address for Utopias is http://www.Akirsutopia.blogspot.com. Nothing's there yet, so don't look.

Sunday, May 22, 2005


I have a new bolgbook. It's called Utopias.

It's a collection of perfect worlds.

That thing on the sidebar

Those of you just joining with us, I have put a new icon on the bottom of the sidebar. It's a Creative Commons License Deed. That's right, this is now licensed. Strange Idea, because no one's reading this anyways.

in other news, my birthday is over. I didn't get anything that I wanted. And I was hoping that I would get to see the end of Microsoft! Oh well, at least I got a 64Mb flashdrive MP3/WMF player.

It's these one day events that means you should read this blog every day!

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Celebrate me!

Today is my Birthday.

So what are you going to give me?

So far, I have nothing. I apted to get my DS ahead of time, and boy, have I used it.

Here's what I want:

1) A GP32 at 166mhz
2) A GP32 at 166mhz
3) The distruction of Microsoft
4) A new computer with a working multipel partition disc with Linux and OpenBSD
5) A GP32 at 166mhz
6) A Nintendo Revolution

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

you probibly shouldn't ask...

GBAx.com - GP32 review

The GP32:

GBAx.com - GP32 review

This system is positively amazing! Everyone should have one of these! It has a huge screen, several emulators available, andit's almost (almost) better then the DS (which makes it better then the PSP) It's korean, but that won't stop you, because it's almost international. also check out the FLU (front Lit Unit) and BLU (Back Lit Unit). Just make sure it runs at 166mhz!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

FreeBSD... Again

Yep, you heard it. I'm putting FreeBSD into my computer again. This time, I'm going to fix everything, though!