Saturday, December 31, 2005

I Think It's Illegal

Most likely, you've heard of a little computer application called Gametap. It's a windows application. There's a Mac version coming soon, but it's likely that it won't have the same games.

Defcon 5: Windows applications are compiled binaries and could do anything imaginable to your computer.

There's some support for some console games, which use different archetectures.

Defcon 4: In order for a computer to run programs that are compiled for another archetectures, it either needs to run an emulator or the program needs to be recompiled. Programs are usually made with procesor-specific instructions, so there is bound to be errors when porting. Let me remind you that the first virus was made accidently from bad programming.

Defcon 3: Emulators tend to be copyrighted and so do the games.

It even has some Dreamcast Games.

Defcon 2: The Dreamcast was recent enough for the patents to be in effect. There's a somewhat bigger lecal issue with patent infringment.

The website says that "it just rocks."

Defcon 1: They don't even want to tell you how their program works: not even on the page labled "How it works."


Anonymous said...

You gotta be kidding me. You really think Turner would release a product that they hadn't acquired all the right licensing for?

Surkit said...

dude did you watch that episode of attack of the show? The chairmen explained why it's legal and why it rocks. i'll e-mail you