Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Source of the Hate

Before I say anything, let me say this: In my video series attacking the AFA's anti-gay TV special, I commonly criticize the character of 'Christians'. I know that it's unfair to believe that the AFA speaks for all Christians - even though they speak as if they do. So it should be noted that when I say 'Christians' in those videos, I'm actually referring to the ultra-conservative Christians.

As most of you know (gotta love the small readership), I go to the gym often. I was much heavier when any of my readers last saw me than I am now. I bought a new belt because the old one was getting too big, and now I'm close to replacing this one for the very same reason. Yay!

Well, They have TVs at the gym for the people running along on the cardio machines. And of course, I start off with my cardio work. I listen to music (VERY LOUDLY, because they've got their 'safe' workout music playing at a level a few db too high) during, but I like to read the captions on CNN every once and a while. Then someone in the management decided that there wasn't enough TVs playing Fox News.

Now enter Fox News....

When I was still living with my father, during the Bush years, he watched Fox News as if they were airing a tutorial program which detailed how to make the antidote for his disease. But I guess that couldn't happen, since his antidote could be conveyed in three words; "Seek psychological help."

Anyways, back then, they were really conservative. This was in relation to everything else that was on TV. They were the epitome of the image of conservatives of that day; bigoted, democrat-hating people who cared more about their money and reputation than the health and well-being of others.

Fast-forward to today.
Today's Fox News Channel is a mockery. Literally.

It's impossible to list all of the problems with Fox News. There's the obvious ones, like the lack of actual news, for which they overcompensate with fifty-thousand times more commentary and opinion. Then there's the not-so-obvious ones that take you a while of viewing before you realize them, like the complete lack of guests who have an opposing viewpoint. Then there's the completely-glaringly-obvious ones, such as their high rate of obvious lies and contradictions.

But that's all chump change. They did that all before. They're worse today.

What I saw on Fox news was terrible. There's this guy, Hannity, who is, in a single word, an asshole. If I recall correctly, He used to be in a show called 'Hannity and Colmes', but apparently, Colmes was too nice for the producers' tastes. Hannity is simply the worst news anchor (if that's what you can call that. But don't you have to deliver news to the audience to be considered a news anchor). Let me clarify; he is the worst anchor of all time.

Nowadays, on Fox News Channel, you can't expect to see news. There are only people talking about current affairs. Not current events; corrent affairs. I have to make this clarification to demonstrate the fact that there is never any up-to-date news on that channel. The few pieces of news they have are, at the very least, over a week old. I've actually seen them talking about a bill that got passed into law four months ago, the last time I went to the Gym.

Now, that is a bad thing. But few of these complaints really explain what I'm trying to lead into.

My point? Conservatives are hateful, bitter, venomous, and often powerful people.

I know you have a hard time believing me. You may be a republican. But please note that I didn't say 'Republican'; I said 'conservative'.

This is where my Fox News Channel example comes into play.

I can't tell you how disgusted I was with what I saw.

For some reason, the people on Fox News have degenerated into the vicious carnivorous animals that they truly are. Maybe because of all the democrats in office? Hannity, being the worst of them all, is an excellent example, if you want to commit mental and emotional hari-kiri.

The people of Fox News have overstepped their bounds. If they were ever at one time trying to be nonpartisan, they've totally annihilated that idea long ago and have progressed to becoming the bullies of politics. Seriously. They don't just tactfully disagree with something that happened recently, they make sure that they hammer their opinion into your head, and then try to prove to you that their opinion is the absolute truth of this world. And if they don't like someone, especially the President, they brutally attack them! No, I didn't say that they attacked their action or their opinion - they attack the person.

The people of Fox News are animals at best. Their programming has always been unethical, but now they've crossed the lines into immorality. In fact, calling them animals is unfair to the creatures; most of them at least seem to have some degree of morality.

And Fox News is just the tip of the iceberg. Utah has several prominent lawyers, congressmen, and senators who want to pass laws to limit the freedoms guaranteed us by the Constitution. They want to manipulate the ESRB's rating system and limit the transmission of gaming products. They want to censor the Internet. They even want to censor you, personally; A new bill to outlaw 'profanity' enters congress every year - by the same person, nonetheless!

Obligingly, I must mention George 'dubya' Bush here; he was the most powerful conservative to grace the white house - the one who turned his desk chair into his throne. He was also the most immoral of all conservatives.

The list of charges against Bush, if complete, would be far too large to list. But Dennis Kucinich listed a full twenty-seven charges as grounds for his impeachment. As a historical note, writing and speaking it all out into congress didn't do any good. Bush had already bought the judicial system and bumped off all the judes who disagreed with him.

Under his command, people were given cruel and highly illegal torture, children were captured as prisoners of war, and thousands of people, both Arabic and American, have been killed in an illegal war. That's just the few from Kucinich's list from off the top of my head.

Then there are the other immoral and unethical acts he committed, such as abusing the power of executive actions to totally circumvent congress, failing to declare a financial crisis when it was becoming obvious an entire year before, lowering the taxes for the rich (which, by the way, removed the majority of the federal income, making our financial crisis even worse), and much much more.

When it comes to American Conservatives, the list of unethical actions goes on and on.

I can't believe that I'm saying this, but conservatives need to learn a lesson from the hippies.

(and on a side-note, how the hell did these guys get elected? Are people just that stupid?)


Anonymous said...


Hanity is worse then Bill O'Rielly?!?

I mean dude, come on Billo, Glen Beck, the blonde women, they're all assholes, how is hanity worse?

Also, for a person talking about lack of cuurent news on fox, you're talking about the LAST president.

Bush was the worse president of our time, but we were born in the 90's.

Also, at the cacus last year, i gave dennis' speech to my district.Even though i voted for hillary.

Anonymous said...

also if memory serves, W. wasn't elected in 2000, he stole it from Al Gore.