Friday, August 21, 2009

Money is so pretty

 So, I have a job. I sell Jacuzzis (and Hot Springs, and Dimension Ones, and for a limited time only, CalSpas) AT REDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES! COME ON OVER TODAY! IT'S LIKE A LIQUIDATION SALE OVER HERE!

 Anyways, yeah. I'm working. Not incredibly difficult, but I'm working on it. I'm working on a website to sell parts for various hot tubs, and I'm working on writing craigslist ads for our stores, which is about a million times harder than it sounds, apperantly.

OK... I admit, I'm only writing because Stephen threatened to take away his bookmark from here. But I don't have anything to say!

1 comment:

Surkit said...

spamming your own blog,classy.