Sunday, December 03, 2006

Le Finale

Or, The Study of Furrys, Part 2

After a long time of distractions and fillers, I've finally gotten the chance to finish my study on furrys. So here it is; The Study of Furrys, Part Two.

Low-Level Differentials

As I've said in part one of this study report, furrys can be considered to be superhuman. Now that I've gotten more information, that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but in my defense, the Furry Fandom happens to be the most Utopian culture I've seen so far.

With recent reading of the writs from furry writers, I have discovered the truth in Freud's overly-sexual analysis. Perhaps the only way for a person to truely express himself is through the sexual act.

The reason why I bring this up is that this is how I had managed to discover the minute details of the furry mind; simply by reading erotica.

Now, as I realize that not everyone who reads this is as mature as they should be, so let me set this straight: I am not perverted. I am not a "thrill-seeker." I'm not even too much interested in being furverted. I merely read the stories from simple educational curiosity. I had simply realized that I had never read any of the stories of those infamous furry writers, and heck, good and bad come in pairs.

The first thing to notice about furry stories is the set-up. In average, there's about eighty-five percent of the story in set-up and conclusion. Another thing to look at while looking at the literature is the content. You'll notice that the popular setup for a mundane writ is usually focused on forcing one being on another, or usually is something totally unrealistic (such as being stuck into odd positions while crossing a narrow hallway). But while reading furry writings, it becomes obvious to you that this event is totally possible (excepting, of course, the fact that everyone is anthropomorphic), and that this is not only something that could happen to you, but something you may have already done. Additionally, the story is always emotionally fulfilling, giving the reader a sense of reality.

After you've read a few more stories, you'll be able to realize that sexual material is not limited only to erotic material. Once, I read a story where sex was the comic point of a farce (It was quite entertaining, really. An unpopular guy who considered himself to be a part of the furry fandom had randomly entered into a vortex, so when he found a vixen, he naturally pursued, despite the fact that he got urinated on and lost a finger. And in pursuit of his entertainment, he asked the narrator to use a scene cut, which always put him in the most interesting... positions).

Based on this information, you can see why I said that the fandom is the closest to being a Utopian society. The closer interest in the story, combined with the realistic scenarios and emotive content, indicate introversion and emotionality. Compared with other cultures, a Furry compares closest to an Emo. However, Emos (how dearly I wish there were a better way to write that plural!) tend to be self-destructive. Furrys tend to be constructive, both to themselves and to others.


Furrys are much better at interacting then most other cultures. Merely visiting FurryMUCK, you will be surprised to meet amazingly kind people. (In fact, I happen to be logged into FurryMUCK at this very moment.) Where logging into about any MUD will instantly get you into a fight (Which you will definitely loose - especially if you just joined it), Talking to the people in the West Corner of the Park will get you into a kind conversation with some nice Canine or Ursine. Take good care to look out for Bigears, who is just too kindly.

The general distinction between Furry interaction and Typical person interaction is contact. Simply put, most cultures have a "hands-off policy," Whereas Furrys touch each other at any time they wish (and, of course, when it's appropriate. Would you just hug a random stranger? I think not).

(Maybe I'll conclude later.)

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