Thursday, August 17, 2006

For Animals, They certainly are Humane.

That is to say, The Study of Furries, Part I

Akir Comes up suddenly, drawing as much breath as he can. After a while, he speaks:

Thank god! I have been stuck in windows forever, all in the interests of keeping my home in Furcadia there! Windows makes everything harder.

Anyways, an update from the land of the furries.

You may wish to sit down.

You're sitting?

Some of them are Superhuman.

Aren't you glad you sat down?
This conclusion has been drawn from a complex line of thought, one that, no doubt, will eventually end up in an insanely long essay.

As I said, it's complex, so it will be one tough job trying to write it down. As the Evil Vanity Fair article (of which almost all furries hate) pointed out, "The world will be bad so long as there are people on it." "Not if they act like animals."

It's times like this if you wonder how much truth there was in the plot of Chrono Cross....

In this first part of The Study of Furries, I will discuss the beginning stage of becoming a furry.

Beginning the Transformation - The Thoughts

For most people, the desire to be a fuzzy is - oddly enough - a desire to fit in. You will find that most furrys are dorks, wierdos, or generally queer (as in 'strange' - not 'homo!'). It seems obvious that this desire is caused by the already existant basic desire to blend in with the crowd. To be 'in the pack.'

For the yiffers out there, the general thought is that animals are comforting. These unfortunate souls have been traumitized - usually in a sexual manner - and have turned to what the adults - Parents specifically - have given them to comfort them through the hard times that babies and toddlers usually go through (for things like teething, suffering their first 'boo-boo,' etc.) - that is, Stuffed Animals, Cartoons, And the family pet.

I would like to make it clear on behalf of the furry community that not all furries are yiffers. Isn't it the most disturbing thing in the world when someone thinks that you're a fetish freek? It's the same for furries. Non-Furvert Furries are more than likely furry because of psychological reasons. I have to admit that I don't completely comprehend non-furvert Fursuiters, however, so I assume that they have some kind of psychosis.

It's also noteworthy to say that not all furries are fursuiters. Fursuiters are people who, like some anime otakus, would rather look like someone else then themselves.

for information on why some furrys are superhuman, look out for part two of The Study of Furries.

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