Monday, June 30, 2008

June Summary

Because I suck at life, I've been too busy trying to fix it to update this blog in a while, so in place of simple updates, I'll just summarize the month of June.

Earlier this month, I released Greasy Rhythms, my first album, which people passed over because I suck at marketing, too. It proved to me that people are bloody bastards and must be killed.

My stepmother is in the hospital, and as it's the 30th, it doesn't look like she's going to get better anytime this month. She was hospitalized initially for Bilateral Pneumonia, but it was later discovered that she had Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder. If she doesn't die in the hospital, she will still die soon....
Father has been driven into insanity, and has been pushing me around much like a boss with control issues would whip around his slave workers. He doesn't have any idea how the business works, so we may become bankrupt soon. His self-control is slipping away like soap in the hands of a gay man in a public shower.
(Yes, that was the worst simile ever.)

Speaking of gay men, during Debbi's hospitalization, I snagged myself a new boyfriend. His name is Travis, he's 23, works in fast food, is too tall (but I'll deal with that, I swear), is a furry, plays Dungeons and Dragons (and hates the fourth edition), is a bottom, and loves being touched (yes, It's OK and actually correct to think dirty thoughts about that). I don't know if I love him yet, but I really do like him.

Unfortunately, I haven't gotten to see him lately because how sick I've been. There's a chance it's a sinus infection, but I'm hoping desperately that it's just a bad cold. I've been swallowing acetaminophen like candy trying to get better, fatherman ordering me around and causing major hatred.

Finally, I uploaded a version of Solomon's Temple, of Ys and Yuzo Koshiro fame. I'm not going to release it professionally, like Koshiro's work seems to be doing, because of that nasty ending. I may clean it up to release it, but heck, I'm tired, and making music is unprofitable in my position.

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